Appreciation goes a long way, especially for a coach who dedicates many hours to the well-being and development of your child. Most coaches feel fulfilled by their work helping young players, but a little appreciation from parents can go a long way. Whether the season is just started or you are at the tail end of it, here are 5 ways you can show your child’s coach you appreciate them.
- A Thank You Letter. Take the time to handwrite a letter to the coach thanking them for their time and commitment to your child. If you can get some of the other parents to also write letters you could present a big binder of letters form the group. There is nothing quite like a handwritten note.
- Highlight Video or Thank You Video. If you or one of the other parents on the team have taken videos throughout the season, piece them all together for an end-of-the-season or thank you coach appreciation video. Don’t worry about making it perfect, the thought will go a long way. Pro tip: Utilize TeamSnap’s video feature to see what some of the best highlights are.
- Think of something out-of-the-box. Chances are you and your child know what the coach likes and doesn’t at this point. If there’s something in particular you know that the coach likes, see if you can do something or set something up to show your appreciation and gratitude for them. If your coach has a sweet tooth, end the season with some cookies and make it a team affair!
- Something sporty. You may have seen the coach exhaust their whistle or ball bag, and rightfully so! Getting the coach something sport-related but also helpful in their role as a coach is a thoughtful way to show appreciation.
- Get the players involved. While a thank you from the parents goes a long way, so does an effort from the players. An even better solution something that incorporates the players and their families! Put together a collection of letters from players or maybe drawings and gift it to the coach.
TeamSnap and Positive Coaching Alliance Want to Thank Your Coach!
There are many ways to show your child’s coach appreciation, and if you have some ideas not listed here be sure to share. Coaches make such an impact in youth athletes lives, so it’s only right to show them love this month and beyond.