Feb 04, 2025 • 3 min read
Understanding how girls develop physically, mentally and emotionally is key to creating a great experience.
When girls love to move
Their bodies: Early in their school years, girls are comfortable and love to move. Focus on motor skills and coordination, modify rules, space and equipment, and be sure to take lots of breaks.
Their brains: Attention spans are short and girls will take things literally. Keep instructions short and rotate activities often.
Their feelings: They’ll say whatever’s on their mind and can’t always control their emotions. Be patient! They also respond amazingly well to encouragement and positive feedback.
When girls are full of energy
Their bodies: Expect lots of energy (“wiggly and giggly”) and widely varying skill levels. Start to introduce specific skills development, but know some will be more coordinated than others! Also, some girls will start puberty early and could be less comfortable with their bodies at this age.
Their brains: They’re anxious to learn, but they have varying abilities to understand directions. They also might be easily distracted, so redirect when necessary.
Their feelings: Girls this age are sensitive to sarcasm and criticism. Be aware of that when offering feedback. Also, they thrive on encouragement and positive feedback.
When girls learn to lead
Their bodies: There’s a lot of change taking place at this age — some girls will be more comfortable with it than others. Expect changing energy levels. Even so, girls will be ready for skills development and competition.
Their brains: The part of the brain responsible for complex reasoning is developing at a fast rate (but still under-developed), so it’s a great time to practice decision making. They’ll also want to contribute ideas and test boundaries.
Their feelings: Girls are still developing the ability to control strong emotions and they may look for opportunities to share their feelings. Find ways to connect and give girls a chance to express themselves in a safe and trusted space.
Learn more at howtocoachkids.org.
How to Coach Kids and Coaching Girls are free, 20-30 minute online courses on the fundamentals of coaching kids and girls, co-created by Nike and the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC) and inspired by the Aspen Institute’s Project Play.