PCA: A Game Plan for Girls in Sports
A Guide for Building Effective Sports Programs for and with Girls, Coaches, and the Entire Community
Let’s collectively get more girls into the game, support women coaches and all coaches of girls, and advance gender equity in youth sports environments!
The Guide and Tip Sheets from Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) contain quick information and resources to help ensure girls* can reap the benefits of lifelong health, positive sports experiences, and sustained athletic engagement. The Guide further provides support and resources for women coaches, coaches of any gender coaching girls, allies, and those seeking to promote gender equity in youth sports in any community.
Girls and women have better health if they play sports, experience lifelong dividends such as lower rates of depression and adult breast cancer, have higher educational attainment, and even greater wages as adults. Getting girls in the game and supporting girls with trained, caring coaches is key for community-wide health, wellness, and fulfillment.
Check out the full game plan from Positive Coaching Alliance here!
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