The Best Healthy Snacks for Kids & Young Athletes
If you want your kids to get out there and play their best, they need the proper fuel. Watch this video and get the lowdown on exactly what they need with Andrea Benton, a mom of two boys from Raisingboys.TV, and Nadia Vidas, a registered dietitian.
If you need snack ideas, this is the video for you. We all know that kids can be picky about their foods, especially when it comes to the essential ones. Hey, if we had to choose between lettuce and ice cream, we would choose ice cream, too!
But not all healthy snacks for kids need to taste bland. Make sure to mix things up. Try combining some of the less exciting options (stuff like carrots, crackers or nuts), with some options kids might get a little more excited about (pasta, cheese or fruits). And of course, a glass of milk with any of those snacks is the bee’s knees.
Another great thing about these foods is how easy they are to put together. We know that when it’s early in the morning before a game, you don’t have time to come up with an extravagant dish. No sweat! A balanced, healthy pre-game snack doesn’t need to be huge, and it doesn’t need to take hours to prepare. The snack recipes in this video are easy to prepare and easy on the wallet, while still being nutritious. It’s a win-win-win.
One important detail to keep in mind is how much time you’re giving your young athlete to digest before a game. For the best results, eating 1-2 hours prior to game time is the way to go. Some kids might even need a little more time or a little less––it varies from athlete to athlete. A good way to determine how much time your young athlete needs is to test it out at practice. Vary pregame snack times, then ask your young athlete when they felt better.
And now for some snack foods to avoid: fatty, sugary and caffeine-packed products. They’re definitely not good after-school snacks or really for any time of day. Steer clear! These foods tend to cause temporary spikes in blood sugar. Of course, what goes up must come down, and blood sugar is no exception; your young athlete’s levels will plummet once the game begins. So your young athlete might start off feeling great, but once you get to half time, they’re out of energy. Don’t let it happen!
For even more nutrition tips, check out our video above!
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