Dribbling for Beginners
The first drill you do at your first practice... Each player begins with a ball and works in one spot before moving with the dribble.
Pitter-Patter: Have players practice batting the ball in the air from hand to hand using only the tips of their fingers. As they get better at this, have them change elevation of the ball relative to their bodies.
Around the waist: Have the players warp the ball around their waist from one hand to the other. Then change direction and have them try without looking down at the ball.
Figure 8: With their legs shoulder width apart, have the players move the ball in a figure 8 pattern around their legs. They are not yet dribbling the ball, just moving it between their legs without it hitting the ground.
Dribble in place: Show the players the TRIPLE THREAT position - knees slightly bent, back straight, feet forward and shoulder width apart, head up. Have the players dribble in place without moving or losing the ball. Emphasize keeping their heads up and looking at you and using the fingertips. Switch hands.
After a break, move on to these movement drills:
Right/Left Hand dribble: Have the players dribble with one hand all the way across the court. Switch hands and dribble with the other hand all the way back. To encourage them to keep their heads up, hold a number of fingers above your head and have them call out how many they see.
Crossover Dribble: Have players dribble to free throw line with one hand, then switch to dribble with their other hand to the free throw line, then switch back to the next free throw line, then again at the far free throw line to the end.
Change of Pace: Have the players dribble at normal speed, blow the whistle once to dribble on the run, two whistle toots returns to normal pace.
Double Ball Dribble: Have players dribble two balls at the same time all the way down and back.
This practice plan was put together with the assistance of YMBA Basketball Coaches Guide.
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