Decision Drill
Purpose: A drill for the fastpitch softball defense which improves outfield decision making about whether to go for the lead runner or the batter.
Procedure: Use a full defense minus the pitcher with runners at home and first going on the hit. A runner at home starts on the right side of the plate out of the hitter's way and goes on contact to make the play realistic. She runs to first and joins the line there. The hitter hits various types of balls to the outfield. The fielder must decide whether to go for the lead runner or throw behind her and stop the second runner. Move runners to different starting positions and vary the types of balls played.
Marc Dagenais is a softball peak performance coach that provides softball tips, softball drills, and information on techniques for hitting, pitching, coaching, and training through his blog at
He also helps softball players and coaches improves their game by sharing with them the tips and strategies used by the world's best softball players and coaches to achieve extraordinary performances. You can sign-up to get his FREE Softball Tips at - Go Sign-up Now
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